Educational Opportunity For Tassie!

I'm from the mainland originally. I’ve been here in Tassie for a little over 13 years and I consider myself a Tasmanian now! When I visit family and friends back “home” (second home) or even chatting to local professionals here in Launceston, there seems to be a general consensus that we are a bit behind in training, protocol and level of evidence based care for women. I couldn't disagree with this more! I am really optimistic with the professionals in our area. Practitioners who are hungry to learn more and to keep improving outcomes and satisfaction for mothers. But it takes a lot of passion and a lot of drive to keep pushing against this overwhelming tide of “dyed in the wool” practitioners from some institutions.

I have reached out to other organisations for training on the mainland who have simply said “Just fly to Melbourne for training!” Now as a sole business owner and a breastfeeding mum that's not really an option for me right now. But when I reached out to Fiona Hallinan I was over the moon to hear her say “YES! I love Tasmania!” So I couldn't be any more thrilled to announce that Fiona Hallinan is coming to visit Launceston to teach the worldwide phenomenal course of Spinning Babies® for Professionals. Fiona is the Founder of the Pelvic Space, Educator and Midwife of 35 years. Fiona is an expert in womens health. 

Fiona is that passionate about working in collaboration with the Tasmanian hospital system that we have moved the date to make it more accessible. Originally Launceston was booked in for May but unfortunately this collided with training for the midwives up at the LGH. In collaboration with the head of MGP up at the LGH, Fiona and I were able to come up come up with another date that suited all. This was no mean feat because Fiona's calendar is wildly booked up with education training all over Australia. This month she has been cited to guest speak on the Great Birth Rebellion podcast as part of the wise women series, this will be fabulous to listen to very soon. You can also listen to Fiona’s story on the wonderful Homb podcast where she describes herself as a “…post menopausal, grumpy, 60 year old, grey headed old woman.” I couldn’t help giggle through the beeping of expletives. She is wonderfully wise and it has become very evident to me that anyone who I speak to, who has done Fionas training in the past, absolutely thinks the world of her and all the knowledge that she has to offer.

You would be very hard pressed to find a pregnant woman that hasn’t gone down the Google rabbit hole of trying some spinning babies techniques to help with baby positioning or to help with a breech presentation.

So it is only fitting that anyone in Tasmania who is in the care of pregnant women ideally should be aware of this technique and training.

So what is Spinning Babies®? It is a physiological approach to preparing for and caring for birth. created by midwife, Gail Tully, Spinning Babies® has become a paradigm, or a new view on childbirth. By understanding birth physiology better we can help birth be easier. During birth, babies descend through the pelvis by turning to fit each curve in the passage. Baby’s turns are “fetal rotation.” If fetal rotation can be made easier, birth is easier for everyone. 

With Caesarean section being at 38% Australian wide and the world health organisation recommending an ideal rate of 10-15%, if there's anything that we can do as health professionals to support and empower women, let's do it! So if you are a pregnant mum please share this blog and this workshop event with your healthcare provider and encourage them to come along. If you are a healthcare provider I would love to warmly invite you to the workshop. This course is ideal for midwives, nurses, nurse practitioners, doulas and childbirth educators. The course is also attended by obstetricians, family medicine doctors, prenatal yoga instructors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, perinatal case managers, and community health workers. It is recommended for people new to Spinning Babies® as well as those practiced in it for years.

The booking link has loads of information about the event. Below I have the date, I really hope you can make it; 

•Tuesday the 9th of July (In Person) 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM

•Location: 20/2 Innocent Street, Kings Meadows, LAUNCESTON

This in-person training event is offered roughly every two years in Tasmania, I would hate for you to miss out. Spots are limited. As this blog article is going live about a quarter of the spots are already booked!

There is a super generous cancellation policy for birth workers on call, check it out in the booking link. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and shoot me an email.

Super excited about this educational opportunity for Tassie. Hope you can join us!

"Spinning Babies® is how we are Changing Birth on Earth."


"Spinning Babies® is how we are Changing Birth on Earth." 🌸


What is a Mother Blessing?